May 2024 Update

May 2024 Update
Photo by Aziz Acharki / Unsplash

Ideas that Stuck

Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life

I have been reading Jordan Peterson's Beyond Order throughout the month. There are a lot of topics in it, and, for this month, I'd like to focus on the power of writing, particularly writing not for others to read, but for yourself.

When we are on the scene, we rarely see ourselves in an objective third point of view. Negative past events are big blots of dark ink of emotions to us. They stuck like a sore thumb. Skewed views of such memories exist because we have not looked at them in different ways.

That is where the power of writing comes in. Writing the past helps you look at events objectively. It helps make sense of the past. Then you can think of what you could have done differently, your past beliefs that were wrong, and what you could do differently in the future to produce a better outcome if something similar happens.

What I'm Currently Learning

a row of orange signs with asian writing on them
Photo by Conor Luddy / Unsplash

For months already, I had been self-studying Japanese. I'm scheduled to take the N4 Japanese Exam this July but have low expectations of passing it. This is mostly for experiencing what the exam is like. But this June, all my time will be allocated to preparing for the exam. Wish me luck. ありがとうございます。

I hope you are also learning something – a skill, a hobby, or other pursuits. Some lessons might prepare us for bigger opportunities in the future. Intentionally learning specific skills is also a much better approach. Having known what kind of future you want to manifest will help.

A short reminder of these values:

  • Life-Long Learning & Self-Education
  • Growth Mindset
  • Having an Open Mind

Short Thoughts

I came up with this month-end newsletter idea when I read the types of newsletters. Besides the regular newsletter I will send, this will also be added. Personally, planning the content of month-end newsletters will also help me structure my months and live life more intentionally. I might be adding more content for the next month-end newsletter.