- Your purpose: Organizing your mind and life
- Values
- Teachings to consider
Identify your purpose to organize your mind and direction in life. It is important to know what we are aiming for and what kind of life we do not want. As humans, we are motivated by both pleasure and pain. That’s why the phrase “carrot and stick” exist to induce the desired behavior. In your profile, you can add your Vision, Anti-Vision, Mission, and Goals. Think, list, and update them in your individual profile.
This refers to what you want to pursue in life. This serves as your compass. This is the carrot.
You may want to live a happy and fulfilling life. You may want to feel secure and financially stable, able to provide for your family and pursue your passions. You may want to make a positive impact on the world, however small, and leave behind a legacy you can be proud of. You put it here.
Questions you may want to ask:
- What do you ultimately want to achieve or experience in life?
- What impact do you want to leave on the world or the people around you?
- What principles or values are the most important to you?
- What kind of person do you aspire to be? What qualities do you want to embody?
- If your life we a masterpiece, what would it look like?
This refers to what you don’t want in your life. This is the stick. Imagine what you want to avoid in life.
You may not want a dead-end job, feeling unfulfilled and stressed out all the time. You may not want to struggle to make ends meet, constantly worrying about money and living paycheck to paycheck. You may not want to live a life of regret, feeling like you missed out on opportunities and never truly lived.
Questions you may want to ask:
- What are your biggest fears or concerns about the future?
- What outcomes or situations do you want to absolutely avoid?
- What traits or behaviors do you dislike in yourself and others?
- What would your life look like if you didn’t make any changes or pursue your goals?
This refers to how you want to achieve your vision. It provides a clearer direction and help focus your efforts on what is important.
In this part, you may say that you will:
- work hard to build a loving and supportive family, creating a home filled with warmth and joy
- strive to be a good friend, neighbor, and community member
- pursue your passions and interests, whether through hobbies, volunteer work, or a fulfilling career
Questions you may want to ask:
- What is your reason for being? What are your passionate about?
- What steps will you take daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to move toward your vision?
- How will your actions benefit others or the world around you?
- What unique skills, talents, or perspectives do you bring to your mission?
This refers to specific goals to achieve your mission. This help breakdown your larger aspirations into manageable steps, allowing you to track progress and make adjustments as needed. To further break it down, you can have tasks and sub-tasks.
You may state:
- Save enough money for a down payment on a house within the next five years
- Take my family on a memorable vacation every year
- Volunteer at a local charity once a month, using my skills and talents to help others
Questions you may want to ask:
- SMART Goals
- Specific: What exactly do you want to achieve?
- Measurable: How will you know when you’ve achieved it?
- Achievable: Is this goal realistic and attainable given your resources and constraints?
- Relevant: Does this goal align with your vision and mission?
- Time-Bound: When do you want to achieve this goal by?
- Short-term and Long-term: What are my short-term goals and long-term goals (5-10 years)?
- Categories: What goals do you have for different areas of your life (career, health, relations, personal growth)?
Life-Long Learner & Self-Education
This is important. The contents here are based on the Mattia Group’s Experience. This may have been applicable to us, but you may have a unique interest. Also, this is catered more to the average person.
A Swiss Army Knife
In today’s world, specialization may not be enough. Technology such as AI are replacing jobs. Having multiple skills, especially in using technology, is crucial. It’s even possible to be a successful one-man entrepreneur now.
Growth Mindset
Abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, see effort as a path to mastery, and learn from criticism.
Life as a Game
Don’t misunderstand this. By gamifying life, you will understand that there are different levels, different difficulties for each level, and the skills you currently have that help achieve your current level may not be enough to reach and survive on the next. So, it’s important to upskill, level up, and reward your progress.
Do it now! Take action and get started, rather than overthink or procrastinate. Action often leads to learning and growth, even if the initial attempt isn't perfect
Open Mind
This is important to have a student mindset. Always be a student and test concepts instead of purely making assumptions.
Be understanding of others and your own faults because no one is perfect. Instead, learn from them and know that we struggle with the unique weights we carry every day.
Gratitude and Hunger
Be grateful for what you have and pursue a mission that you want to pursue.